Dr. Savita Deswal
Reliability characteristics/measures of the system are strongly dependent upon the environmental conditions in which the system is exposed off. The present paper emphasizes on the comparative analysis of Reliability measures of two repairable systems of non-identical units subject to different weather conditions. Both systems consist of two units as Main unit and duplicate unit. Both systems are at cold standby redundancy Two type of environmental conditions are considered into account – normal and abnormal. The single server is capable to perform all type of repair activities in normal environmental conditions whereas it ceases in abnormal environmental conditions. In Model I, the operation of both units is stopped as precautionary measure, but in Model II both units are allowed to operate in all environmental conditions. Priority is given to one unit over the other for operation only. The repair mechanism is perfect, since both units works as new after repair. The failure rates times and time of rate of change of environmental conditions are constant. They follow negative distribution function. The repair rates follow general distribution functions. All random variables are statistically independent. Switches are perfect. The expression for various reliability measures in derived in steady state. Various reliability measures and system effectiveness measures are determined through Regenerative point technique and Semi-Markov process. The graphical interpretation and comparative analysis are done with respect to normal weather rate function for particular cases.
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