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International Journal of Physics and Mathematics

Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A (2019)

A review paper on simulated intellect


Shraddha Sonone, Ajay Dharme


John mccarthy is the father of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a way of making computers and computer controlled machines and software to be intelligent enough to learn, decide, and execute in a manner similar to that of the way a human brain thinks and acts. Artificial intelligence is a knowledge and machinery based on disciplines such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and engineering. It is defined as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs

Pages: 31-33  |  1650 Views  665 Downloads

International Journal of Physics and Mathematics
How to cite this article:
Shraddha Sonone, Ajay Dharme. A review paper on simulated intellect. Int. J. Phys. Math. 2019;1(1):31-33. DOI: 10.33545/26648636.2019.v1.i1a.6